Connect to Remote Azure AD with Powershell

Modificato il Lun, 6 Mag, 2019 alle 10:23 AM

Step 1

Open PowerShell (Run as Administrator).

Step 2

Install Microsoft Online module for Azure Active directory using the following command:

Install-Module -Name MSonline 

If prompted to continue, input “Y” and press enter. Any subsequent confirmations can be accepted by inputting “A” for “Yes to All” and pressing Enter.

Step 3

Input login credentials using the following PowerShell command:

$msolcred = get-credential 

You will be prompted to authenticate. Use the global administrator account within your Office 365 tenant (ex. [email protected]) and the corresponding password.

Step 4

Initiate Connection to Office 365 using the following PowerShell command:

connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred 

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